Is your resume getting the job done?
Resumes tend to fall into two categories: the good and the very bad. If you're not sure which camp you're in, we've got a tried and true set of questions that will help you identify the quality of your resume and discern whether it's putting in the work you need it to.
Does your resume violate any fundamental resume rules?
In a recent survey of recruiters, hiring managers, and HR executives, TopResume identified the 10 worst resume mistakes commonly made by job seekers that are total deal-breakers. From fancy formatting to fudging dates and figures, you'll want to make sure that you're not falling prey to these costly resume pitfalls.
Are you prepared with the right information?
Double check your basics. Using this list of 11 essential resume elements applicable for a job seeker in any industry, try starting from the beginning and cross-checking your resume with the guidelines we've laid out for you.
Have you applied to roles that best fit your skill set?
While you should apply for the job you want and not the job you have, sending in your resume for a job that requires 10 years of experience when you only have four is an incontestable way to not get an interview. The same goes for the reverse: If you're applying for jobs you are overqualified for, you're probably also going to be asking for a salary the hiring manager can't afford. Finding the right balance between over-ambitious and overqualified is a matter of patience and persistence.
Do you think you're an industry fit?
There are lots of skills that are transferable across industries, but many roles require literacy in a subject matter before taking a chance on a candidate. Changing careers and updating your resume is certainly possible if you're equipped with the right tools to do so. If time is of the essence, you may want to focus your search on industries you know best.
Are you receiving responses?
The resume black hole is not a myth. Sending in dozens of applications and not receiving a single response is, unfortunately, fairly common. Ultimately, though, the right resume timed with the right cover letter and follow-up email should be gaining you some traction.
If you've run through the resume tips above and are still applying to roles with no response, consider hiring a professional resume writer to get your resume into shape before agonizing any further over what you may or may not be doing wrong.
Experts know how to write a resume that will find you job-search success. Learn more about TopResume's professional resume-writing services today.